bagi yang ingin memposting artikel ke fb dan twitter berikut

Cara Posting artikel blog otomatis ke FB dan Twitter :

  1. Masuk ke account facebook anda dulu
  2. masuk ke account Twitter anda dulu
  3. Buka
  4. Masukkan alamat e-mail anda, dan password. kalo udah, klik sign up
  5. kemudian anda akan dituntun oleh web tersebut, step 1 masukkan feed blog anda, contoh feed blog saya, kalo belum ada, ganti aja tuh url yang warna biru dengan Url blog anda.lalu Klik Next
  6. Step 2 Choose your destination, Kalo bahasa indonesia ya pilih tujuan anda, nah disini anda dapat memasukkan alamat dari Url blog anda mau dibawa kemana, armada mode on :D
  7. klik aja dulu icon facebook, setelah itu anda akan beralih ke halaman facebook yang meminta aplikasi meminta izin untuk mengakses account fb anda, klik Izinkan saja, akan lebih baik jika anda membuat fan page terlebih dahulu, dan arahkan aplikasi untuk mengakses hanya halaman fan page tersebut. setelah anda klik izinkan, ya berarti setup di fb dah beres
  8. Klik icon twitter di halaman web, tak jauh beda dengan no. 6, aplikasi meminta anda menyetujui aplikasi tersebut mengakses akun twitter anda, jika anda setuju ya klik izinkan aplikasi 
  9. jika sudah semua, selanjutnya anda akan diarahkan ke halaman dimana anda dapat memilih tujuan artikel anda, pilih saja fb dulu, dan selanjutnya anda akan diarahkan untuk menyambungkan koneksi dari ke fanpage fb anda, Create new Facebook destination, lalu klik connect to facebook, setelah itu klik save.
  10. Selesai, 
okee selesai, oh ya gan jgn lupa follow gw di twitter :D

Selamat pagi,malam... ea apa aja deah...Yg penting pada sehat biggrin:...Code Status kosong facebook nich..Buat fb maniawink...Cok enggalkeun di copas codenya biggrin:...NB: oh iya aku lupa belum hehehe...Bye..Bye. @[1:spasi]

Trick facebook status icon love/kotak

 Code status pake symbol love / pake hp apa aja...Gampang dan simpel..Codenya tinggal <3 di statusmu nanti akan jadi gambar love wink
wax...wax...wax....mau ngetag atau jahilin teman facebook tapi gak tahu ID nya.....nih ane kasih tahu cara liat info dan id teman fb yang sesungguhnya...hah...pasal :
1. Login ke facebook dan masuk ke tampilan profile temen kamu yang pengen diambil infonya.
2. Lihat pada addres opera mini dkk...contoh : bla...bla...bla....
terus ganti huruf m menjadi graph contona : bla...bla...bla
.........klick......wax....wax.....wax......silau maaaaaaaaaan....



danill0c’s 5imple skin was one of the first WindowBlinds skins to really show off what WindowBlinds 5 could do. Both a practical skin and very polished at the same time. The subtle shadow effect is part of the skin (WindowBlinds 5′s engine supports alpha blending effects like shadows and glass).  A terrific design all together.[Download]
Vista Ready!
Kol’s Thallos was one of the best skins of last year without a doubt. Clean, smooth, and useful, its subtle shadows and polish made it a favorite for users. Thallos is unique in that Kol created both WindowBlinds and msstyles versions of it and hence won in both categories. The two are virtually identical. The WindowBlinds version adds toolbar icons, and a progress animation.[Download]
Vista Ready!
Josephs’s Live Suite was one of the highlights of last year. Some argued that this is the look they wish they’d updated Windows 2003 Server to look like. A good step between Windows XP and Windows Vista.[Download]
Vista Ready!

ChaNinja’s MotoXP B1 was one of the most beautiful skins created last year. Both highly stylish and very usable. It comes in multiple styles, supports animation, and is very fast.

Vista Ready!
danillo0C was almost certainly the top skinner of 2006. Besides making the top GUI Championship skin Acrylic, he also made Aerial. This skin has it all and is incredibly usable and fully-featured.

Vista Ready!
JJ Ying was another skinning super-star last year and one of the best skins made last year was Ecliz Deluxe. The screenshot really doesn’t do it justice as it comes in multiple styles including a clear glass version. A truly amazing skin. And as you can see, it works great on Vista as well as XP.

Vista Ready!
 No best of 2006 list would be complete without tehZERO’s Eminence.  With its cloudy stained glas title bars, clean design, it looks great on both Windows XP and Vista.

Vista Ready!
For users getting tired of Aero-like glassy skins, Buuf-OS from Gabriel provided great relief. With great toolbar icons (for XP users), great progress dialogs, and lots of other subtle tweaks and enhancements, it’s just a beautiful and original skin.

Vista Ready!
Adni’s VistaPlus was the most downloaded WindowBlinds skin of 2006 with nearly a half-million unique downloads.  It doesn’t run on Windows Vista but for Windows XP users looking for a fantastic looking skin on Windows XP that in some respects is a better Vista than Vista, VistaPlus is a great choice.
MikeB’s Old Republic was one of the more original skins that also maintained a high degree of usability and polish. With a subtle shadow and distressed style, it’s an awesome choice for users looking for something different.[Download]
Vista Ready!

Luna Element 5 from Tornado was easily one of the favorites of users everywhere. With a clean UI that blends XP and Vista together seamlessly, Luna Element makes our list of one of the best skins of 2006. LE 5.1 released in January of this year keeps the updates going.[Download] 
Kol did double-duty with Thallos. Available both for WindowBlinds and as an msstyles, it was a user favorite.[Download] 
No top 10 list on msstyles would be complete without mentioning MohsinNaqi’s Tener VS. What makes Tener so special is in the details. The taskbar is extremely well done and the colors are very carefully chosen. Mohsin Naqi is a top skinner with icon packages, wallpapers, WindowBlinds visual styles, and more (you can check out his site here).[Download] 
heylove’s Area04 (Areao4.2), like many of the top msstyles, made deviantART’s daily download (this one on New Year’s Eve!).  It is significantly different than most of the msstyles we saw last year. Combined with its original design, clean style, and several different sub-styles, Aera04 makes our list.[Download] 
Schluepfer’s very first visual style was Klarheit. And if this is what his first effort is, we can’t wait to see what he makes for 2007![Download] 
hsn’s Mint 2.0 started its life as a Linux Gnome GTK2 theme and brought over to Windows XP. Despite not being “original”, it is still one of our favorite skins of 2006 regardless of where its original platform was. For the shadow effect, you’ll need a shadow program such as WindowFX.[Download] 
Tempura is another Linux GTK theme that was ported but like Mint, the platform is less important than the excellence in the skin itself. Lokheed had a great year and you can see his complete portfolio here. hsn’s port of it really shines. You can see how it looked on Linux by going here. Like Mint, you’ll need to download a program like WindowFX to get shadows.[Download] 
Bant’s Reluna Em3lent is a great example of Bant’s elegant design philosophy of creating usable, clean, and elegant skins. The skin actually comes in several different flavors that look significantly different from one another. Any individual sub-style would be on its own one of the top skins of the year. Getting them bundled together in this single visual style package makes it just that much sweeter.[Download] 
Cyberchaos’s Aquanox VS was one of the most popular msstyles of 2006 with over 100,000 downloads at deviantART. Inspired by some of Kol’s other work, this clean, usable and original skin makes our list.[Download] 
dobee’s NeoGeniX’s is one of the most polished and original looking msstyles of last year. It was a favorite of many of us this past year. When combined with the right icon package, a toolbar theme, and the NeoGeniX ObjectDock, users can give Windows a whole new look.[Download] 

Cara Baik Hack BBM

Posted by Unknown
Tag :
 Cara Baik Hack BBM
Tentunya artikel ini sudah ditunggu-tunggu oleh banyak orang yang menggunakan perangkat BlackBerry. Saya pun demikian ! Nah, sesuai dengan judul artikel kali ini, tentunya anda sudah bisa bayangkan betapa hot isinya ?
Tentu ! Tetapi saya memberikan tutorial kali ini bukan hack BBM yang sampai menghancurkan isi data BlackBerry teman anda atau orang lain. Saya berikan pelajaran tentang cara hacking BBM ini hanya untuk tujuan iseng-iseng sekaligus memberikan kewaspadaan kepada anda tentang orang yang ingin mengerjai BBM kamu. Cara hack BlackBerry Messenger kali ini cukup mudah, saya pernah melakukan trik ini sampai-sampai teman saya kebingungan kenapa bisa begitu. Tetapi satu hal yang ingin saya pastikan adalah bahwa trik hacking BBM ini tidaklah susah. Tidak diperlukan download software, program, tool, aplikasi ngehack, tetapi hanya dibutuhkan kreativitas dan sedikit punya otak hacker.
Nah, mau tau trik nge-hack BlackBerry teman anda? Begini caranya:

1. Cari dahulu korbanmu yang ingin dikerjai. Tentunya anda harus punya datanya di contact list kamu.
2. Silahkan simpan profile picture kepunyaan dia, copy juga nicknamenya serta bunyi statusnya saat itu juga.
3. Silahkan gunakan profile picture teman anda yang sudah anda save tadi ke profile anda, sekalian paste juga nickname dan bunyi statusnya ke profile BBM kamu.
4. Nah sekarang saatnya beraksi ! Cari temanmu yang juga menjadi temannya sehingga anda bisa “memalsukan identitas BlackBerry”. Ajak dia chat, supaya lebih urgent, kamu bisa PING!!! dia.
Nah, teman yang kamu ajak chat yang juga teman yang kamu palsukan identitasnya itu akan mengira bahwa kamu adalah teman yang kamu palsukan identitasnya.


Quote:Jangan tanya cara pake'a gimana ya. Kebanyakan uy.... Just simple brother.


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Jika kita sering berkelana di dunia maya alias internet pasti setidaknya pernah melihat logo gambar di atas, yup itu adalah logo PayPal. Mungkin beberapa dari kita pernah terbesit pikiran apa itu paypal? Jika ditelusur di situs resminya yaitu, PayPal adalah cara yang lebih aman dan lebih mudah untuk membayar dan dibayar secara online. Layanan ini memungkinkan setiap orang untuk membayar dengan cara sesuai kehendak kita, termasuk melalui kartu kredit, rekening bank, kredit pembeli atau saldo rekening, tanpa memberitahukan informasi keuangan kita.
Apabila diibaratkan, rekening PayPal itu mirip dengan rekening bank online, tapi rekening bank online terbatas hanya berlaku di satu negara. Contoh simple’nya, kita tidak bisa membeli barang/jasa di situs luar negeri seperti,, dan lain-lain. Dan juga apabila kamu pengguna BlackBerry ataupun iPhone/iPad, kamu tidak bisa membeli aplikasi dan game pada App Wolrd ataupun App Store dengan rekening Bank, namun jika kamu memiliki akun PayPal maka kamu bisa membeli aplikasi tersebut.
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